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The Cultural Heritage Map Curaçao is a policy instrument indicating the presence of cultural-historical values. For example:

  • physical remains of activities of the indigenous peoples
  • plantation structures
  • places of memory; these are locations where important historical events took place.

The map is an important tool to prevent the disappearance of zones with high archaeological values during new developments. Before starting new developments, demolition and/or excavation work or other soil-disturbing activities, this map has to be consulted. Important target groups for consulting the map are:

  • landowners
  • department of Urban Planning and Public Works,
  • nature developers
  • project developers
  • engineering offices
  • designers of tourist facilities and public spaces.

The National Archaeological Anthropological Memory Management institute (NAAM) has to be consulted if soil-disturbing activities are planned in areas which are indicated on the map as a site with cultural-historical value (see legenda).

Before granting authorization for new developments in these areas, ROP officials will consult NAAM. If necessary, NAAM will perform a desk research to determine how planned activities could be adapted so that archaeology can be preserved in situ (in place). If the planned activities cannot be adapted, archaeological research has to be carried out so that the site can be documented before the development takes place.

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